Getting started with your contacts

  • Contact Details

    Every email address collected in your account has its own contact details section that can be linked to more than one group. To access a subscriber's contact details, go to the Contacts menu, research…

  • Contacts type

    In this article:  What are the different types of contacts? Contacts consent expiration Types of contacts There are 4 types of contacts: Subscribed contacts Unsubscribed contacts Incorrect addresses Deleted…

  • Create contacts

    There are several ways to add contacts. You can either: create a single contact (manually add contacts, one at a time) Learn how >   import a contact list Learn how > Before importing your contacts, look…

  • Searching contacts

    What type of contact are you searching for? Subscriber Unsubscribed, deleted or incorrect adresses Search for a subscriber Click on the "Contacts" menu. Enter the email adress you are searching for in…